Physical exercise and quality of life in university students

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Alberto Paramio Leiva
Paloma Gil-Olarte Márquez
Cristina Guerrero Rodríguez
José M. Mestre Navas
Rocío Guil Bozal


The recommendation of physical exercise as a strategy for prevention and promotion of health has been established in both the health and psychological areas. Despite the increased flow of research in recent years, the need to increase the empirical support of the relationships between physical activity and quality of life is well known. In favor of this need, this study aims to: 1. Clarify if there are different typologies between those who perform physical exercise and those who do not. 2. Delimit more specific typologies according to the frequency of realization from a gender perspective. To do this, a battery of questionnaires focused on quality of life indicators: depression, state anxiety (A-State), trait anxiety (A-Trait), personal satisfaction and satisfaction with life were administered to a sample of 153 university students. By means of the biphasic cluster analysis, we obtain 2 typologies among the students that perform some physical activity and those students who do not perform any physical exercise, the first responding to a better score in the previously mentioned indicators. Deepening the frequency, and taking into account the gender of individuals who exercise; we have differentiated 4 typologies, 2 composed mainly by men who behave as expected, responding to a better quality of life the category that performs a higher frequency of exercise a week; and 2 others composed of women who present differences that are not defined so pronounced and some variables are not related according to expectations. This fact underscores the need for more thorough investigation. We encourage research to develop physical activity programs aimed at improving the quality of life in different populations.

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How to Cite

Physical exercise and quality of life in university students. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 437-446.


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