Perception of financial topics in bachillerato students as element of inclusion. An empirical study in the region of Veracruz
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This study presents a global agenda subject that is an element of financial inclusion, analyzing the perception of high school students towards financial topics such as income, money management, savings and investment and expense and credit. Also, the construct of the identified variables perception is analyzed in the existing literature, where each variable gives its own indicators to study the perception of the students in the region of Veracruz. An exploratory factor analysis is applied to identify the factorial weight of each component, which grouped show that there are two components that explain the study phenomenon. The result, leads us to believe that the students have an expectation of what their future economic income will be in terms of the remuneration expected to be gained as a result of their job. They consider that the formal education that they will attain in the high school and college academic levels is closely related to the sort of income by wages and salaries that they may be able to earn on the long-term.
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