The model of attention centred on the person, applied in a geriatric day center for the improvement in the activities of the daily life and social skills.
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The Center where the study is carried out works with the model of care centered on the person, as fundamental objective intends to maintain or improve the operation in several areas of his life, promoting social skills on residents in an individualized manner. The experience is carried out in two nursing of day (one as a control group and one experimental), directed by two occupational therapists and caregivers fixed in each one of them, located in the residence for greater Los Royales. After making an assessment prior to the residents (cognitive, physical, functional, everyday and affective life skills) and knowing their social skills and peculiarities of aging in an individualized manner, the experimental group are given guidelines to their caregivers that develop a small plan of attention focused on the person that enhances your skills and be able to personal autonomy to promote the maintenance of their capabilities and even see if this improvement is experienced in the resident. Results: The experimentation is carried out for three weeks, and then a statistical analysis with nonparametric tests, where notes the effectiveness in different areas.
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