The current world: values and changes. psychology and its answers

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Noé de la Cruz Moreno


At the present time, we are in a change of Historical Cycle, a convulsed and disoriented world. Loss of values, never imagined, in the Family, Education, human relations, religion, Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian bases, on which the development of the Western world has been built. Moral principles vanish in the wind. The universal values are violated with absolute normality. The past is linked to the present and the future, it is the unavoidable support of what is to come. The past happens to us invoice. The changes of the last decades have left the most developed countries in the world in a state of “shock”. The defense of the equal rights of the human person, woman = male, male = female, black = white, heterosexual or homo sexual has marked the irreversible path in the western world; no, in the rest of the world. The New Technologies and Internet “have launched in droves the migration to the conquest of the golden calf with tin legs”. (De la Cruz N. 202). Express divorce, multiplication of family models, indiscriminate abortion, including girls and adolescents, with alarming loss of population, replaced by the bellies of Muslim women, as predicted by Muammar Gaddafi. The cycle that begins, during the 21st century, will once again put humanity on the path to progress in a more balanced way. Psychology, Pedagogy are the way. Areas of family life, school, social, political, have been prosecuted to a level that would surprise the same Franz Kafka. The answers necessarily come in two ways: 1st, decrease, to a minimum, of lawyers, judges and gynecologists in the divorce and abortion process. 2nd. Humanized attention and Open Systemic Education, including everyone, with the different branches of Psychology.


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How to Cite
de la Cruz Moreno, N. (2018). The current world: values and changes. psychology and its answers. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 13–20.


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