Determining variables for a new tutorial culture from the PAT

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Asunción Lledó Carreres
Gonzalo Lorenzo Lledó
Marcos Gómez Puerta
Alejandro Lorenzo Lledó


Spanish universities have taken on the challenge of implementing tutorial accompaniment processes from institutional tutorial action programmes (PAT) considered as programmed actions for the inclusion of new students in the university with the aim of covering their needs in terms of information, training and ongoing advice. The objective of this study has been to identify and implement tutorial actions based on determining variables for a change of direction in the TAP tutorial actions, such as: coordination according to the agents involved; TAP teaching team and tutoring students. n this study and from an ideographic and qualitative perspective, the descriptive case study has been used. The reports made by the participants in each of the dimensions: at the level of general coordination, at the level of the teaching team and at the level of the tutored students, have been used to collect the required information. The results obtained show that, based on the variables established, tutorial actions not only contemplate support for the student in the academic sphere, but also, to a large extent, imply an orientation towards tutorial accompaniment in personal aspects and obstacles that may occur throughout the university student’s career, which is why it is concluded that this tutorial action model will continue to advance through the PAT.


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How to Cite
Lledó Carreres, A., Lorenzo Lledó, G., Gómez Puerta, M., & Lorenzo Lledó, A. (2018). Determining variables for a new tutorial culture from the PAT. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 351–360.


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