Creativity and emerging technologies in education
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Creativity is a rising value due to its close relationship with problem solving and entrepreneurship. It is convenient that this creativity be fostered from the first years of schooling when the fantasy and symbolic world of the child is in full boiling and where everything is possible. Thus, the promotion of creativity is conveniently contemplated in the curriculum of the stage. On the other hand, the educational administrations are promoting the use of didactic methodologies in which the students, as protagonists of their learning, participate actively in the creation of content and educational materials. This new scenario is generating new challenges and learning for teachers. It is essential to know and master what tools and strategies are necessary in the world of information and knowledge. The teaching staff can no longer be the same as in the past given that they perform another very different task: that of teaching to learn with the means available to their students and not teaching content as in the past. The results consistent with the literature make it impossible to conceive a curriculum that promotes creativity without education for the media and without the emerging technologies that can be applied in the classroom.
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