Coping strategies that predict greater resilience

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M. Consuelo Morán Astorga
Maria José Finez-Silva
Esther Menezes dos Anjos
Maria Cruz Pérez-Lancho
José David Urchaga-Litago
Gema Vallejo-Pérez


Resilience and coping are two topics of great relevance in psychological research. Resilience is the ability to grow and develop our potential once the traumatic situations of personal evolution have been overcome. The coping strategies we use to solve the problems that origins stress are 14, the most commonly used. The objective of this work was to find out the coping strategies that predict greater resilience. 734 working adults from the  province of León completed the resilience and coping questionnaires (56% women). The data was treated with the SPSS. Linear regression analyzes were performed, with resilience as a dependent variable and the 14 coping strategies as predictor variables. The results report that coping is a robust predictor of resilience. Some strategies predict greater resilience; other strategies make us more vulnerable. it can be concluded that it is of great importance that the educational authorities (parents, politicians, teachers, etc.) take into account the advantage of increasing efforts in the teaching and learning of coping strategies that make us stronger to handle difficult situations to which we are exposed in life.


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Morán Astorga, M. C., Finez-Silva, M. J., Menezes dos Anjos, E., Pérez-Lancho, M. C., Urchaga-Litago, J. D., & Vallejo-Pérez, G. (2019). Coping strategies that predict greater resilience. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 183–190.


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