The Black Side of Resilience

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Florencio Vicente Castro


Resilient individuals are described as strong personalities experiencing adversity with no signs of stress traumatic symptoms and still achieving success. However we can apply the metaphor of materials to human beings. With resistant materials as concrete we can notice the danger of rupture, at the first time the force was unbearable by its fissure signs. But not with resilient materials as an elastic, it recovers its initial and previous harmonious state with no symptoms of vulnerability, even when submitted to great force of extension, nevertheless not dramatically strongly, because one single event of extension or extending it over and over again with no pause between events could imply rupture without notice, so we understand it’s not just due its flexible and adaptable nature or because it didn’t “feel” the force, but because at that moment the charge was bearable and it had sufficient time to recover. Understanding the importance of the factor time to recover, as well as the danger of sudden rupture for resilience, the point of this work is to find a pattern of the biomarkers associated with allosteric load and loss of resilience to prevent sudden rupture.


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How to Cite
Nobre, S., & Castro, F. V. (2016). The Black Side of Resilience. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 165–172.
Author Biographies

Sofia Nobre, CEPESE/FCT

Investigadora PosDoc - Resiliência e Qualidade de Vida (Cepese/FCT)

Doutorada em Psicologia – Desenvolvimento e Intervenção Psicológica pela Facultad de Educación - Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz - España

Mestre em Psicologia Clínica - Psicoterapias pelo ISMT, Coimbra - Portugal

Formação artística pela Ecole Supérieure des Arts et Techniques de la Mode - ESMOD International, Paris - France

Life Coaching - Programação Neurolinguística, Liderança e Excelência Pessoal

Terapeuta Reiki Essencial

Autora das obras poético-visuais "Fúria de Aforismos" e "Limiar da Luz, Fio de Sol" - Edições  MinervaCoimbra

Membro da Asociación Internacional de Psicología Evolutiva y Educativa de la Infancia, Adolescencia, Mayores y Discapacidad –INFAD

Florencio Vicente Castro, Universidad de Extremadura

Catedrático de Psicologia Facultad de Educación da Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz (España).

Académico de la Academia Internacional de Psicologia.

Asesor del Foro Permanente de la Europa Social.

Premio Juan Huarte de San Juan de Psicología 2010.

Doctor "Honoris Causa” UAE. Paraguay


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