Detection and notification of child abuse: a study of teachers in early childhood and primary education

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Antonio Francisco Romero Moreno
Verónica Carrión García
Concha Martínez García
Serafín Jesús Cruces Montes


The current work introduces a study about the knowledge obtained by the proffesionals
in the educational areas of detection, indetification and notification of child abuse situations. For that matter, a questionnaire about detection of child abuse has been designed and distributed amongst Early Childhood and Primary Education teachers in three schools throughout San Fernando (Cádiz). The results denote the existence of a widespread ignorance from the teachers about how to detect, notify and act when a child abuse case appears, and so with the action protocol about child abuse and the most popular notification tools. Likewise, there is an evidence that points to the uncertainty of these teachers, among which we can highlight the process to follow when there is a suspicion of an abuse situation and their rol when they have to intervene in the way parents educate their children. On the other hand, a higher number of years of teaching experience doesn


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How to Cite
Romero Moreno, A. F., Carrión García, V., Martínez García, C., & Cruces Montes, S. J. (2019). Detection and notification of child abuse: a study of teachers in early childhood and primary education. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 57–68.
Author Biographies

Antonio Francisco Romero Moreno, Universidad de Cádiz

Departamento de Psicología
Universidad de Cádiz

Verónica Carrión García

Trabajadora Social
Máster en Medición

Concha Martínez García, Universidad de Huelva

Facultad de Educación, Psicología y Ciencias del Deporte
Universidad de Huelva

Serafín Jesús Cruces Montes, Universidad de Cádiz

Departamento de Psicología
Universidad de Cádiz


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