Motivation, emotions and positive thinking in the field of health and therapeutic adherence

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Mª Ángeles García Mata
Jana Blanco Fernández
Rocío García Pascual
Alfredo Rebaque Gómez
Ana Mª De Caso Fuertes


Health is one of the most important elements for the development of a quality long life existing its importance in allowing the living being to maintain good standars of action and perform the activities of their routine life, both basics and essential in and independent and effective way. Health can be achieved through and endles of action wich can also lead to deterioration or loss. There are many causes why often we do not reach the goal of maintaining, delaying or recovering their health, obtained from the profesional, the system and the patient. In this article we have carried out a bibliographic review focusing on the lack of responsability of the patient regarding their obligation with the prescribed treatment which affects the lack of adherence to it, many times due to the important modifications that their illness and the treatment produce in their life habits. Focusing only on the patient we seek to know the importance of certain factors that can help the patient and their treatment which justifies our interest to see how motivation, positive thinking and the patient s emotion control will bring on them. However, we must not forget that in this difficult task for the patient, the help, support and medication of health professionals will be of inestimable value.


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García Mata, M. Ángeles, Blanco Fernández, J., García Pascual, R., Rebaque Gómez, A., & De Caso Fuertes, A. M. (2019). Motivation, emotions and positive thinking in the field of health and therapeutic adherence. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 345–354.


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