Violence and maltreatment in portuguese elderly: 2000-2017

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Eugénia Maria Garcia Jorge Anes
Manuel Alberto Morais Brás
Celeste da Cruz Meirinho Antão
Zélia Caçador Anastácio


The aging of the world’s population and developed societies is now a reality and a concern. Violence among the elderly is a violation of human rights and can take many forms and involve various crimes. The increase in the elderly population worldwide shows several aspects arise, such as violence against the elderly, which deserves special attention due to the physical and psychological sequels that it entails. The general objective of this study was to analyze the incidence of violence against elderly people in Portugal. Descriptive and retrospective research of quantitative approach. Based on the data presented in the reports of the Victim Support Association (APAV). Data from 2000 to 2017 were analyzed. From the analysis of the results, we observed a growing and marked trend in the incidence of violence against the elderly, varying between 280 cases in 2000 and 1208 cases in 2017. The victims are mostly women. The age group of 65 and 74/75 years is the most representative, very close to 50% of the elderly victims. The great majority of the aggressors have a close relationship with the victim, among which the parents, the children and the spouses. In view of these results, it is pertinent to identify vulnerable elderly people, with the aim of preventing these occurrences, promoting their safety, quality of life and well-being. On the other hand, it is urgent to work on concepts such as respect, citizenship in the population and general.


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How to Cite
Garcia Jorge Anes, E. M., Morais Brás, M. A., da Cruz Meirinho Antão, C., & Caçador Anastácio, Z. (2019). Violence and maltreatment in portuguese elderly: 2000-2017. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 363–368.
Author Biographies

Eugénia Maria Garcia Jorge Anes, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

Investigador integrado
da UICISA: e professora na Escola de Saúde IPB

Manuel Alberto Morais Brás, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

Investigador Integrado no CINTESIS
e Professor na Escola Superior de Saúde de Bragança IPB

Celeste da Cruz Meirinho Antão, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

Investigador integrado
da UICISA: e professor na Escola de Saúde IPB


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