EmocionaTFamilia program: emotional support from early childhood to adolescence

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María Carmen Díez González


From early childhood the consciousness of the “I” begins to awaken. These indicators are observed in the very vocabulary of childhood that becomes “mine” and “you don’t”. In the early stages of evolution, language is full of emotions that they consider to be the same as their own. The child still cannot understand that his point of view is but one of many possible and projects what he experiences on the world. At this stage, guilt arises and this can lead to self-rejection and self-sabotage. Through emotional awareness and accompaniment, from early childhood, we can observe the opposite feeling to what we are experiencing so that we can begin to free ourselves from fear. Feeling afraid comes naturally, but using fear and responding to fear causes blockages that are projecting into adulthood. For example, we are projecting childhood fears such as “separating from family members”, “being alone”, “fear of accidents or falls”, etc., into adulthood, thus causing a constant need for acceptance, reinforcement and the search for pleasure. For this reason, the EmocionaT-Familia program invites us to accept the possibility that we have accepted helplessness and have unknowingly allowed it to occur. How much are we willing to pay to be right? The answer to this question vanishes when the question is reasonable.


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How to Cite
Díez González, M. C. (2020). EmocionaTFamilia program: emotional support from early childhood to adolescence. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 313–320. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2020.n1.v2.1845
Author Biography

María Carmen Díez González, Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera

Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera


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