Gender equity in older people's leisure
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According to the Higher Center for Scientific Research (Centro Superior de investigaciones Cientificas: CSIC) in November 7, 2019, it highlights that “Almost two-thirds of Spanish elders feel happy, a larger proportion than their European counterparts, ” which represents more than six million citizens with an age equal or greater than 65 years. Taking notice that almost half of the total indicates that their daily relevant activity is leisure, it is necessary to know how they invest that time, if there are gender differences in this regard and if the senescence period hinders the practice or not of their actions. The report that concerns us also shows up the relevance of active aging, which “allows people to realize their potential for physical, social and mental well-being throughout their entire life cycle” (World Health Organization, 2012) in which the differentactivitiescarried out,a balanced perpormance, flexiblecriteria, depending on the individual characteristics so this leisure time, of personal enjoyment, shall be motivating and significant, leaving behind the sedentary lifestyle related to the media, mainly, which can cause or increase health problems already diagnosed.
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