Institutionalization: abandonment or the best option
Main Article Content
Introduction: The predominance of the aging population and the social and economic changes of today make it necessary for institutionalization to be an increasingly common resource in our country. This is accompanied by both positive and negative feelings by the geriatric patient and his relatives. The main objective of this review is to analyze the process of adaptation to institutionalization with the emotional and psychosocial changes that concern both the elderly and their environment. Material and methods: A search of articles in both Spanish and English is carried out in different databases such as PubMed and CINHAL and metasearch engines. A total of 19 articles are selected using the PICO strategy, including thesis and final degree projects. Results: Depression and dependence are the main problems that appear upon admission to the residential center. To address these, an assessment is carried out using scales following the patient’s own needs, thus personalizing the institutionalization care. Family dependence complicates adaptation to change. Discussion: At first, the image of the residence is usually negative, which changes over time. Depression decreases to more time of hospitalization when adapting to the center. It is important that the family respect the rules and maintain contact with the patient, as well as the intervention of the multidisciplinary team. Conclusions: Institutionalization is a great change for the elderly and their family, which will be overcome until they consider it their new home.
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