Bibliographic review of the project "in my house" of the Junta de Castilla y León
Main Article Content
Introduction: the increase in life expectancy and the number of people over 65 years of age implies a change in sociodemographic patterns, which is why health services are evolving, the “In my house” project being a great example. The objective of this work is to investigate and investigate the “In my house” project, as well as determine the role of nursing and the scientific basis of said project. Material and methods: of the 147 articles found in metasearch engines such as Tripdatabase or secondary information sources such as Pubmed, 12 were selected, in addition to the use of other scientific search engines to complete the research. Results: Around 90% of the elderly state their desire to reside in their homes during the fullness of their lives and 4 out of 5 older people report that home care has a more structured support network than residential care. 14% of the elderly living alone report family abandonment. In 2031, 33.2% of the elderly will live alone at home. Discussion: due to the loss of family contact, as well as decision-making and changes in the lifestyle of the elderly living in residences, the project “In my house”emerges, which isinspired and followsthefoundations of the Nordic model Housing, which aims to eradicate those negative items mentioned above, favoring the individuality, autonomy and family intimacy of each of these elderly people. Conclusions: both the “In my house” and “At home in my house” project carry out a series of activities and aids to promote independence whether they are institutionalized or live in their own home.
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