Contribution of the humanitude care methodology to the management of emotions in pandemia

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Andréa Temponi dos Santos
Rosa Cândida Carvalho de Melo
Liliana Vanessa Lúcio Henriques
Beatriz Temponi
Amélia Martins
Evaldi Marchi


Emotions have a strong impact on our perceptions, our memories, our thoughts, our ability to judge and even, on our behavior. Understanding the behaviors and emotions manifested by the person being cared for, particularly in situations of fragility and vulnerability, is fundamental to their well-being, and it is important for caregivers to implement care methodologies that promote positive feelings. The aim of this study was to describe the emotions perceived by the management of 6 residences for the elderly in the confinement period, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and to identify the contributions of the Humanitude Care Methodology (HCM) for the management of these emotions. A descriptive multi-case study was carried out, with data collected through semistructured interviews, carried out with a member of the technical management of each of the residences. Content analysis was performed on the data obtained, following the Bardin model, being organized into categories and subcategories. The following negative emotions were evidenced: sadness, apprehension, contempt, anxiety and indignation, perceived by the managers both in the professionals and in the people cared for during the confinement period in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there was also the perception that the implementation of the principles of HCM, contributed to the minimization of negative emotions and potentiated positive emotions generating more optimism, confidence and joy in everyone involved. It is therefore essential that the caregivers take ownership of the principles of HCM, facilitators of interaction with the person being cared for, promoting feelings of well-being, even in situations of great vulnerability and fragility, as is the case of the pandemic by COVID-19, experienced by institutionalized elderly.


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How to Cite
Temponi dos Santos, A., Carvalho de Melo, R. C., Lúcio Henriques, L. V., Temponi, B., Martins, A., & Marchi, E. (2021). Contribution of the humanitude care methodology to the management of emotions in pandemia. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 117–126.


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