The privacy and autonomy of an adult with intellectual disability

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Geovana Silva Wertonge
Sabrina Fernandes de Castro
Gabriela Brutti Lehnhart


This study aimed to know the aspects related to Privacy and Autonomy in the life of an Adult with intellectual disability and analyze if they interfere in home living, community living, and lifelong learning. Thus, the case study research method was used on a 38-year-old adult with intellectual disability (ID) and his 63-year-old mother. The study was carried out using Google Meet and three sources of data: the Support Intensity Scale (SIS) with applications I (2019) and II (2020), a semi-structured interview applied with the adult with ID, and Participant Observation Protocol. Our findings showed that the occurrence of opportunities for the adult to express his feelings, future plans, and desires, when the mother was absent from the meetings, stands out. Regarding the levels of support in the activities of Privacy and Autonomy via the three SIS domains (home living, community living, and lifelong learning), a decrease in the need for support was evidenced in the application II data. Therefore, the importance of working on the issues of Autonomy, Privacy, Self-determination, and Self-advocacy is evident in the growth of Adults with ID. 


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How to Cite
Silva Wertonge, G., Fernandes de Castro, S., & Brutti Lehnhart, G. . (2021). The privacy and autonomy of an adult with intellectual disability. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 309–320.


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