Overload in times of Covid-19 in direct care professionals in geriatrics: technicians in social and health care. Proposal for action.

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María Elvira Zorzo


On March 14th of 2020 an event happened in Spain at the national level that cause changes in the professional and private life of all the Spanish people. At that time, the pandemic COVID-19 starts to be experienced in our country. During confinement many people were isolated of their former life, other ones kept teleworking, adapting themselves to new situation but feeling themselves safe at their homes, and many others kept working at their workplaces, with their common schedule but they faced situations never lived before at their workplaces but they had to face them. In this third group are found the geriatric direct aid professionals: assistants and technicians of social health care aid. In this work the role of assistants and technicians of social health care aid in both senior residence institutions and home aid is described, including their functions and skills in time of COVID-19. An approach to the study of the technicians’ overload during the first months of pandemic are analysed, by means of the study of real cases of burnout and emotional wear in a group of technicians that work at Segovia city and surroundings in both institutions and home aid. In addition, the intervention performed in terms of the design of a plan for phycological support for this type of workers is included. From this study, future lines of intervention are proposed related with the phycological support needed by the formal care sector of elder people in both residential institutions and home aid.


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How to Cite
Zorzo, . M. E. (2021). Overload in times of Covid-19 in direct care professionals in geriatrics: technicians in social and health care. Proposal for action. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 453–464. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2021.n1.v1.2088


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