Combating bullying to prevent abuse in adult life and other maladaptive behaviors.

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Ferran Barri Vitero


Bullying patterns are established at an early age as patterns learned through trial and error. Children and adolescents interact with others and tend to reproduce those behaviors that bring them some kind of satisfaction and stop showing those that do not satisfy them or are repressed. For different reasons, there are children and adolescents who interact with their peers in an abusive way, harassing and submitting them. If we do not prevent, detect and intervene in the face of bullying or bullying, these patterns are likely to be reproduced in adulthood, in the form of mobbing or domestic abuse. On the other hand, victims, either due to factors that led to it or because of the consequences of the harassment suffered, will be more susceptible to continue being it in adult life in the presence of a stalker. It is found that both roles, stalkers and victims, are profiles more susceptible than the general population to suffer, among others, disorders in the psychological field and negative situations such as drug use, having work and relationship problems and even being involved in the commission of crimes, in the case of stalkers.


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How to Cite
Barri Vitero, F. (2021). Combating bullying to prevent abuse in adult life and other maladaptive behaviors. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(2), 93–98.


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