Construction of a battery for the evaluation of the sexual health of children and adolescents

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Olga Fernández García
Verónica Estruch García
Jesús Castro Calvo
Cristina Giménez García
Mª Dolores Gil Llario


Sexual health in children and adolescents is a priority because of its important impact on their overall health. However, there is no strong consensus on the indicators that determine good or bad sexual health, especially when we are talking about a particularly vulnerable population given the multiple physical, psychological and social changes they face in a short period of time. In the present study we present the process of construction of a battery of instruments for the evaluation of the sexual health of children and adolescents. After conducting a comprehensive assessment process, guided by multiple experts in the field, it has been concluded that both knowledge and attitudes (e.g. sexism) and sexual skills (e.g. sexual assertiveness) are a leading indicator. Likewise, sexual risk behaviors (e.g. sexual sensation seeking, sex addiction, cybersex or sexting behaviors), are also considered important variables. The availability of a battery of validated instruments in this population group that includes all relevant aspects for the assessment of their sexual health will not only allow us to learn more about it, but also to test whether the affective-sexual education they receive is adequate and sufficient to ensure a healthy sexual development.


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Fernández García, O., Estruch García, V., Castro Calvo, J., Giménez García, C., & Gil Llario, M. D. (2022). Construction of a battery for the evaluation of the sexual health of children and adolescents. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 325–334.


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