Psychometric properties of the questionnaire on teachers' perception of difficulties in educational inclusion

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Raquel Suriá Martínez
Esther Villegas Castrillo


The objective of this work focuses on the design and validation of a questionnaire to examine the attitudes of university teaching staff towards students with any type of disability (physical, intellectual or sensory). The study is instrumental and cross-sectional. For the design and content of the scale, the available instruments for the assessment of attitudes and beliefs towards disability for the composition of the articles were reviewed in the published literature. In order to verify the psychometric properties, the Cronbach coefficient was used for the internal consistency of the instrument and the exploratory factor analysis. The results reflected adequate psychometric properties for the instrument designed to examine attitudes towards disability among university professors. The expectation is that the conclusions of this study offer contributions relevant enough to understand inclusive education in the current framework of higher education. 


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How to Cite
Suriá Martínez, R., & Villegas Castrillo, E. (2023). Psychometric properties of the questionnaire on teachers’ perception of difficulties in educational inclusion. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 145–154.
Author Biographies

Raquel Suriá Martínez, Universidad de Alicante, Dpto. Comunicación y Psicología Social

Universidad de Alicante, Dpto. Comunicación y Psicología Social

Esther Villegas Castrillo, Universidad de Alicante, Dpto. Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales

Universidad de Alicante, Dpto. Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales


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