Academic resilience in higher education: a case study

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Lidia Natalia Dobrianskyj Weber
Rosana Angst Pasqualotto


Resilience is the ability of a person, group or community to go through adversities, overcome them despite the difficulties faced and be able to grow with them. In Higher Education, many students have financial difficulties, difficulty in reconciling work and studies, are unable to understand content, in addition to family problems that may arise, which may cause them to drop out of the course they chose. Academic resilience is defined as the ability to go through difficulties encountered in the education environment and overcome them, enabling the person to grow as a result of this adverse situation. This study aimed to analyze aspects related to the academic resilience of a Physics undergraduate student attending a public Brazilian university who took part in this research. To maintain anonymity, the student was asked to name an important figure in his field, and so he called himself Einstein. Einstein stated that he finds many difficulties with being in Higher Education: lack of family support to take a university course, lack of time to dedicate to hisstudies because he needsto work, failing subjectsthat delay his graduation,and lack of time with hisfamily. Despite these obstacles, he intends to finish the course in order to have a better life than the one he believes he has today. He has shown perseverance, and the support of both teachers and family members drive him to pursue his dream of graduating. This is a case of academic resilience, because despite the adversities he encounters in his academic life, he is able to overcome them and grow with them. 


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How to Cite
Dobrianskyj Weber, L. N., & Angst Pasqualotto, R. (2023). Academic resilience in higher education: a case study. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 169–176.
Author Biographies

Lidia Natalia Dobrianskyj Weber, UFPR


Rosana Angst Pasqualotto, UFPR



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