Overcoming stereotypes in children towards the elderly. Analysis of an intergenerational program in the socio-educational context
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The present study examines the insight that children have of the elderly through intergenerational programmes which are developed between a school working under the aegis of the Ministry of Education in the region of Murcia and the Social Centres Network of the Murcian Institute of Social Action (IMAS). Having diverse perspectives from both institutions encourages research on the impact of stereotypes and aspects that may change throughout the implementation process until the end of the program; in addition to detecting the existence of certain stereotypes that students assign to the older group. Taking into account the aforementioned aspects that promote the depiction of stereotypes, a quantitative methodology has been used by means of questionnaires. In respect to the most relevant findings, it has been discovered that the development of these programmes reduces specific prejudices and stereotypes about old age, besides the reinforcement of the positive perspective that children may have of elderly people. In this respect, an engaging instrument is utilized to embrace solidarity processes that avoid a generational gap.
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