Suicidal Behavior. Intervention Protocol.

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Vicente Martín Pérez


In the present article, I have justified the necessity of using the learning principles as a method of functional assessment and analysis in order to obtain the largest number of relevant variables and establish a set of explanatory hypothesis in each case that will relentlessly generate guidelines to be followed by predictive hypothesis and intervention with suicidal behavior. The emergency psychologist’s training in in site assessment skills, in social skills, in active listening, in empathy establishment, in emotional management and containment or support, in negotiation strategies, etc. In summary, in emotional and cognitive connection skills, increases the probability of modifying the physiological and cognitive respondent, by varying these antecedents, the suicidal’s operants will change in favour of life. I propose an actuation protocol in these cases.


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How to Cite
Martín Pérez, V. (2016). Suicidal Behavior. Intervention Protocol. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 233–250.


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