The emotional stroop paradigm in the study of tobacco counterpublicity cognitive processing

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Cruz Pérez Lancho
Antonio Sánchez Cabaco
Sonia González Díaz
Luz María Fernández Mateos
Sarai Mata Gil


The aim of this work is to analyze the attentional and mnesic processing of words related to smoking and health using the emotional stroop paradigm and a bigram completing task. A modified stroop task consisting of three types of words: neutral, smoking related words and health related words extracted from health warnings messages presented in smoking publicity, was given to a sample integrated by smokers, non-smokers and former-smokers. The individuals performed then an implicit memory task. The results obtained indicated that the health related words are not preferentially attended by the smokers. However, they complete more bigrams with tobacco words than the other groups. The relevance of this memory bias in the context of smoking counterpublicity and of stop-smoking therapy is discussed.


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How to Cite
Pérez Lancho, C., Sánchez Cabaco, A., González Díaz, S., Fernández Mateos, L. M., & Mata Gil, S. (2014). The emotional stroop paradigm in the study of tobacco counterpublicity cognitive processing. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 581–592.
Author Biographies

Cruz Pérez Lancho, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Profesora Encargada de Cátedra, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. España

Antonio Sánchez Cabaco, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Catedrático Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Sonia González Díaz, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Profesora Encargada de Cátedra, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Luz María Fernández Mateos, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Profesora Encargada de Cátedra, Universidad Pontifica de Salamanca

Sarai Mata Gil, Universidad de Extremadura

Profesora Universidad de Extremadura


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