An aesthetic and art education program in elementary education

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Raquel Filipa Santos Mateus
Maria Helena Lopes Damiao da Silva
Mª Isabel Ferraz Festas


The aesthetic and artistic education is a declared purpose in Portuguese educational system, and is commonly accepted its importance in the development of the personality, as an area of knowledge, which requires capture, interpretation and fruition of the subject, who involves in the (re)construction of meanings (Bronowsky, 1983). Lots of empirical data show that this area contributes to the integrated development of affective, cognitive and motor abilities (Delacruz et al, 2009), allowing the access of multiple skills, such as the integration of different languages, which allow a critical reading of the world (Marques, 2011). However, its implementation is relegated to second rank in relation to other disciplinary areas. Seeking redress this dissent was created and implemented the Aesthetic and Art Education Program, which is based in a specific conceptualization (fruition-contemplation, interpretation-reflection, experimentation-creation) and mobilizes several institutions and multiple educational agents. To consolidate this Program in school context was developed a Training Programme for Teachers. Our approach focuses in the elementary education, in which the Aesthetic and Art Education Program is materialized in the disciplinary area of Expressions: Plastic Arts and Visual Education, Musical Education and Expression, Theatre Expression/Drama and Dance (Department of Basic Education at the Ministry of Education, 2004). It is an approach that is realized through the pedagogical-didactic of the implementation of the Program and by the evaluation of its impact, in terms of learning (student´s development) and teaching (teacher´s performance). Our study is in an exploratory stage, materialized in semi-structured interviews to teachers. However, the firs results show that the subjects consider the aesthetic and artistic education essential to the student´s development, but the hourly amount associated to it is not enough. The participants also underline that the curricular program in the area of Expressions needs to be suitable in relation to the school context.


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How to Cite
Filipa Santos Mateus, R., Lopes Damiao da Silva, M. H., & Ferraz Festas, M. I. (2014). An aesthetic and art education program in elementary education. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 233–238.


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