Study on teacher´s motivation in an urban context

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Julia Criado del Rey Morante
Margarita R. Pino-Juste


The present study aims to determine the motivation of kinder garden, primary and secondary teachers in the city of Vigo. The sample consists of 392 teachers (111 men and 281 women) with an average age of 45.20 years and an average of 19.86 working years. The instrument tool used in the research was The Work Task Motivation Scale for Teachers (Fernet, Senecal, Guay, Marsh, and Dowson, 2008), based on the Self-Determination Theory. This 90 items scale was designed to measure five motivational constructs (intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, external regulation and amotivation) among towards six of the work tasks of teachers (teaching, class preparation, evaluation of students, classroom management, administrative tasks and complementary tasks).Results show low scores on in a motivation demotivation in the 6 tasks set, which means that teachers do not have suffer a motivation lack of motivation. The tasks in which teachers are intrinsically motivated are teaching and class preparing. Otherwise, while low values are observed in introjected regulation when performing administrative tasks , complementary tasks or when evaluating students. This means that these three actions are performed, not because they are motivating in by themselves, but in order to avoid guilt or anxiety or to promote self-esteem.


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How to Cite
Criado del Rey Morante, J., & R. Pino-Juste, M. (2014). Study on teacher´s motivation in an urban context. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 31–42.


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