Space-temporary and bimodal notions: analysis of an educational implementation for 3-year-old students

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Inmaculada Sánchez Casado
José Miguel Benítez Merino


The temporal and spatial concepts are complex concepts both “teaching “ and “learning “. Today it is still an emerging field for educational innovation since their approach requires us to look multimodal ad hoc garner a dialectic between a child’s cognitive development, their ability symbolic representation and communication, perceptual and motor development, in addition to the teaching time and space at the beginning of their schooling. Such notions should begin to develop from the earliest years of age, ie from the kindergarten stage, as this is considered an acquisition period “critical” for the normal evolutionary development, therefore, this paper focuses on study methods for instruction of basic spatiotemporal concepts. We understand that if we incorporate new communication tools from the point of view of AAC (Augmentative Alternative Communication), will increase the quality of acquisition and hence communication and language skills by encouraging the development of pre-verbal, non-verbal and verbal, so it will improve the maturity of many children who have great difficulty because they have not yet successfully acquired, avoiding future curricular gaps generally constructed from this initial stage. An added value lies in the ability to strengthen the understanding of these concepts as well as implementation applied its notions as to time and space (in, into, each, ... ) so it will add to their teaching process and learning different strategies and methods through Bimodal System. The design of our proposal is established for students in Early Childhood Education 3 years, whose methodology inclusive, dynamic, natural, cooperative and multisensory certainly facilitate the implementation of these notions of time and space by integrating a variety of resources tailored within the area of ??communication and representation, cornerstone of the earliest stages of education.


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Sánchez Casado, I., & Benítez Merino, J. M. (2014). Space-temporary and bimodal notions: analysis of an educational implementation for 3-year-old students. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 165–178.


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