Forgiveness in autobiographic memory: the rewriting of vital events

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Mª Nieves Barahona Esteban
José David Urchaga Litago
Antonio Sánchez Cabaco
Elena Sánchez Zaballos


The present research shows the role of forgiveness as a significant factor in the process of vital reconstruction through the call Autobiographical Memory (remembrance of events experienced). Forgiveness is a significant mechanism in the memory taken it as positive and therapeutic element. Positive Psychology has been studying this construct and endorsing it as a component to achieve happiness and wellbeing. In this research is analyzed the capacity to forgive, the characteristics of its definition and the reasons or circumstances that facilitate it, in a sample of 401 subjects (127 men and 274 women) of different ages (201 youth and 200 older) to observe whether there is a different conception of forgiveness according to age and sex. The results show that young people manifest less capacity to forgive, and men more motivation for revenge, in the definition of forgiveness, young and old consider reconciliation and lack of rancor as the most important factors, and respect to the facilitating factors of forgiveness, older give more importance to passing of time and religious beliefs, and youth for either repentance and ask for forgiveness, regardless of sex.


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Barahona Esteban, M. N., Urchaga Litago, J. D., Sánchez Cabaco, A., & Sánchez Zaballos, E. (2014). Forgiveness in autobiographic memory: the rewriting of vital events. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 103–112.


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