The role of the pupil in final degree work: a vision from the problem solving perspective

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María A. Inmaculada Calleja González


This paper presents a personal approach on how the supervision of a Degree Disseration could be carried out, focusing on the problem from the point of view of the student. The execution of the Degree Dissertation is a personal challenge that can be considered as a problem to be solved by the student and it can offer different solutions. The role of the professor of university as tutor, following the phases of the IDEAL method of Bransford and Barry Stein (1984): Identification of the problem, Definition and problem representation, Exploration of the different and possible strategies, Intervention based on a strategy, Achievements and assessment of the impact, can help students to develop metacognitive skills (thinking and personal motivations skills), strengthening planning, self-regulation, autonomy and self-efficiency in performing the Degree Dissertation.


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How to Cite
Calleja González, M. A. I. (2014). The role of the pupil in final degree work: a vision from the problem solving perspective. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 265–270.


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