An alternative for psychological intervention in a different world

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Mª Enriqueta Peñaguirre Cano
Vianney Centeno Rodríguez
Janely Martínez Campos


Psychological intervention nowadays requires creatively implemented changes in response to psychosocial reality, this time thinking of the Mexican reality, able to shed, successful, visible, clear results, targets. This requires creative strategies to consider the cultural and psychosocial characteristics of the environment. It is a method that moves the empowerment of the powers of the person to face a hostile reality, creating resilient scenarios that allow their way successfully in a complex society, overwhelmed by the psychosocial hostility and corruption that allow their way successfully in a complex society, overwhelmed by the psychosocial hostility and corruption, that draws a society steeped in a complex state of violence, powerlessness, crime and insecurity. The applied method is based on the structure of the Clinical Method, the backbone of the research is recognized as qualitative, is a Research Participant where the therapist was part of the university community where this therapeutic style that departed from psychoanalytic bases and humanist conviction, was worked with university students attending Psychological Care for 8 years, achieving fortunate results in the transformation of their scenarios, based on the transformation of their intrapersonal be. The tool used is resilience, arising from the spiritual dimension, mobilizing force of all the skills that make a person who mobilized in deep introspection are the mechanism that implements positive improvement scenarios, scenarios rebuild, decisions to make, in function of a fundamental axis: the overwhelming transformation of order, internal order to put arising externally and spaces extend outwards, where the person can break through and develop. All framed by the process of guidance and support.


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Peñaguirre Cano, M. E., Centeno Rodríguez, V., & Martínez Campos, J. (2014). An alternative for psychological intervention in a different world. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 29–34.