Self-efficacy of primary teachers in training before the teaching of experimental sciences self-efficacy of primary teachers in training about teaching experimental sciences

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Mª Jesús Fernández Sánchez
Ana Belén Borrachero Cortés
María Brígido Mero


The teacher affectivity and the reflection about own attitudes on future teachers’ are a key aspect in Science Teaching. There is controversy about the effect that different variables could have in this attitude. For this reason, we carry out a research to know the situation of the future science teachers’ self-efficacy, who are studying Primary Education teacher at University of Extremadura (UEX). Also, we wanted to explore the influence of different variables on self-efficacy. In this research participated a total of 227 students of a subject named “practicum”, which belong to the curricula of second year of Primary Education Degree at UEx (Spain). They completed a Likert scale questionnaire about science teachers’ self-efficacy and emotions after their first science classes like teachers; although in this study only speak about the findings related to self-efficacy. The results show that future teachers, after their first science classes like teachers, have high self-efficacy if we compared with their self-efficacy before their practice like teachers. About influence that some variables have over science teachers’ self-efficacy in training, we obtained that gender and age did not affect the aspect measured. However, we observed that science teachers’ self-efficacy has been affected by the subject (Physics and Chemistry, and Natural Sciences) and the number of classes that they have been developed about this subject (3 or less than 3, and 4 or more than 4).


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Fernández Sánchez, M. J., Borrachero Cortés, A. B., & Brígido Mero, M. (2014). Self-efficacy of primary teachers in training before the teaching of experimental sciences self-efficacy of primary teachers in training about teaching experimental sciences. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 81–90.


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