The changes of personality in alzheimer's disease

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Charles Rodrigues
Florencio Vicente Castro
Cruz Roja Española


Previous scientific studies considered the existence of significant differences in the conditions of personality and cognition, in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The aim of this work was to verify the existence of these differences between patients with Alzheimer’s disease and patients with normal aging. The sample consisted on 231 participants and was divided into two groups, experimental group (EG) with 103 participants with Alzheimer’s disease and a control group (CG), with 128 participants of normal aging. Both groups were subdividing in two subgroups with and without frequency in a day care, rather, with and without cognitive stimulation. The participants were underwent a quantitative assessment based on the application of the MME test and the personality inventory NEO-FFI. Results showed statistically significant differences in all trait of personality, well as in cognition, but it was not possible to establish a pattern of behavior in Alzheimer’s patients.


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Rodrigues, C., Vicente Castro, F., & Roja Española, C. (2014). The changes of personality in alzheimer’s disease. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 177–186.


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