A global intervention to foster helping contexts in primary education

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Francisco J. García Bacete
Inmaculada Sureda García
Mª Inés Monjas Casares
Victoria Muñoz Tinoco
Irene Jiménez Lagares
Luis J. Martín Antón
Ghisiaine Marande Perrin
Inés Millas Rojas
Andrea Rubio Barreda
Sara Roselló Sempere


This communication describes a research project designed and implemented by the interuniversity research group GREI (Grupo Interuniversitario de Investigación de las Situaciones de Rechazo entre Iguales en Contextos Escolares). This project involves a multicomponent preventive intervention implemented in primary education in four schools of the province of Castellón (Spain). The intervention comprises some characteristics of programs that include social skills training with innovative designs of final phase as identified by Bierman and Power (2009). The 12 programs that have been activated during the first two years of research are depicted in the central part of the present study.


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García Bacete, F. J., Sureda García, I., Monjas Casares, M. I., Muñoz Tinoco, V., Jiménez Lagares, I., Martín Antón, L. J., Marande Perrin, G., Millas Rojas, I., Rubio Barreda, A., & Roselló Sempere, S. (2014). A global intervention to foster helping contexts in primary education. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 6(1), 111–128. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2014.n1.v6.723


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