The influence of memory and learning strategies in relation to reading comprehension in primary education students

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Álvaro Muelas Plaza


The difficulties of reading comprehension by primary school students is a widespread problem in many different educational settings. This difficulty affects the learning of all educational areas, since they mainly use written language to express the content and assess their learning, hence, reading literacy is one of the basic skills that the school should develop in students. Reading and writing are priorities in primary education and in the context of basic skills at the end of this stage, students should be able to read their own texts independently and age to be able to use the resources to overcome the difficulties which arise from the understanding of a text. Accordingly, during primary education , students must get a reading, in addition to comprehensive, interpretive (taking into account the experience of the reader) and valuation. To do this, both memory and learning strategies play an important role. Regarding memory, given its structural model, in many cases, the students will have a deficit in reading comprehension because they have difficulties in relation to their sensory memory, comprising the exteroceptive senses (sight, taste, hearing, smell and touch). Failure to reach information correctly to the corresponding lobes of the brain, makes it can not be properly encoded by the students, causing all of the information that reaches the short term memory of the student, I have little meaning for him, making the grade reader compression is low. Concerning learning strategies have a key role to work reading comprehension of students. In our classrooms, we must provide students from early ages of a set of strategies (motivation , attention, information processing , critical thinking, etc.). To encourage and assist in understanding a text, and essentially that is the way for adequate academic performance.


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Muelas Plaza, Álvaro. (2014). The influence of memory and learning strategies in relation to reading comprehension in primary education students. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 6(1), 343–350.


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