The mentorization between the junior and senior university teachers. A process of learning, support and mutual enrichment

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Lucía Herrera Torres
Laila Mohamed Mohand


The university is known for its complexity and continuous change. Junior faculty should be incorporated and adjusted to the university structure and functioning. In addition, they have to implement a set of teaching competencies to promote an effective process of teaching and learning, and the student achievement of specific learning outcomes. For this reason, this paper advocates the need to implement mentoring programs between senior and junior faculty as a process that involves learning, support and mutual enrichment. Thus, two mentoring projects developed at the University of Granada are described. It is shown to be effective in strengthening efforts towards faculty achieving goals and its well-being.


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Herrera Torres, L., & Mohamed Mohand, L. (2014). The mentorization between the junior and senior university teachers. A process of learning, support and mutual enrichment. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 6(1), 453–462.


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