Language attitudes and self-identifications. An analysis of their effect on students in catalonia

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Carmen Poalelungi
Xosé-Antón González-Riaño
Simona Popa


Within the bilingual and multicultural context of Catalonia, in which the immigration influx in the last decade has been remarkably relevant, this article contributes to a more thorough understanding of the field of language attitudes and self-identification of students of Compulsory Secondary Education. Concretely, this study examines how the self-identification with Catalonia, Spain and the area of origin affects language attitudes, and whether these relationships are conditioned by the origin of the participants. The data was obtained from a representative sample of 1,173 students (673 autochthonous, 500 immigrant) enrolled in 10 centers of CSE in Catalonia. At a global view, the results demonstrate the association of language attitudes and self-identifications. Hence, self-identification with Catalonia seems to affect language attitudes toward Catalan in all participants. However, the effect of self-identification with Spain on attitudes toward Castilian appears only in the autochthonous students. Likewise, despite the negative association encountered between attitudes toward Catalan and those toward Castilian in both groups, the explanation of these results differs in function of the origin. Overall, the results of the study have important implications in the development of an inclusive model of the society. Therefore, the differences between the relationships established between autochthonous and immigrants should be taken into account when implementing an educational and linguistic program with the aim of social integration and cohesion.


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Poalelungi, C., González-Riaño, X.-A., & Popa, S. (2014). Language attitudes and self-identifications. An analysis of their effect on students in catalonia. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 7(1), 365–378.


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