Early mathematical competences and attitude towards variable variable tasks predictors of academic performance in primary education: preliminary results

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Gamal Cerda Etchepare
Carlos Pérez Wilson


The research presents the role of Early Mathematical Competencies (CMT from now on) regarding school performance, both in the general field, as well as specific in Mathematics and Language of Chilean students. In this way, it is expected to provide information about the predictive value of the evaluation of the CMT regarding the success or failure of school that the child will have later during their school itinerary. Based on the analyzes carried out, it was found that CMTs are significantly related to performance in Mathematics and Language, as well as in general performance, during all school years after the evaluation, in all schools where the study was conducted. In the same way, other psychological variables were evaluated and integrated into a linear regression interaction model. It was found that the attitude towards mathematical tasks has a crucial role in the explanation of the variability of school performance, analyzed in the different learning areas. It highlights the role that logical intelligence has to have a close relationship with performance. Similarly, the role of factors associated with school coexistence is observed, noting that the aspects of victimization, aggression, indiscipline and teacher neglect, were significantly related to the performance of students. The initial hypothesis was confirmed that as long as there is a higher level of development of the CMT, the academic performance of the participants tends to be better, tending also to achieve better scores in tasks of logical-inductive reasoning. According to the results obtained through the correlation analysis between the CMT (evaluated with the Utrech Test, TEMT-U) and the attitude towards the mathematical tasks, it is found that in almost all the dimensions there is a statistically significant relationship and character inversely proportional. In general, students who achieved higher levels of CMT tend to have lower scores on the Attitude Questionnaire for Mathematical Tasks. This can be interpreted as the fact that the boys and girls who performed well in the TEMT-U were the ones who, in general, presented a favorable attitude towards the Mathematical Tasks and vice versa.


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Cerda Etchepare, G., & Pérez Wilson, C. (2014). Early mathematical competences and attitude towards variable variable tasks predictors of academic performance in primary education: preliminary results. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 7(1), 469–476. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2014.n1.v7.817


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