Family and professionals versus the mental symptoms of dementia: the positive attitude

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Mª Isabel Fajardo Caldera
Noelia Casanueva Carmona


The psychology professionals are faced with a social reality known to all as the aging of the population, aging raises the search for answers to this reality and must be realized in research, teaching, therapy and training professionals and caregivers who are dedicated to caring for them. Through this communication we want to show to carers of older people with dementia that existence of an efficient way to work is to look at aging by accepting the limitations of and from the valuation of options also presented, is to ask what they can offer without trying to achieve the impossible. And we will show through the mental symptoms of more frequent occurrence in dementia such as depression, hallucinations, delusions, disorders identification and personality changes.


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How to Cite
Fajardo Caldera, M. I., & Casanueva Carmona, N. (2014). Family and professionals versus the mental symptoms of dementia: the positive attitude. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 7(1), 527–532.


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