Teaching practice for the promotion of emotional skills in future teachers
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This paper presents an educational practice for the promotion of emotional skills in teachers and its repercussion in their pupils ( students). This project is similar to the one that Martin Seligman realizes in his Master of Positive Psicology, sice a cinematographic resource is also used in order to internalize the concepts of the above mentioned discipline. The activity is inserted in the first three weeks of february 2014, in the frame of the Didactic of the language and literature in primary education subject. It has been accomplished in four phases, first the group watched the movie "Love happens" then the pupils were asked to focus on the strength and weaknesses of the main character applicable both to the teacher and to the pupil. In the second phase they were invited to think calmly about it and then write it down. In the fourth phase a brain storm was realized, and finally the instructor, María Eugenia Polo, compose a list of the emotional skills that must be part of teacher's educational baggage. In addition other activities like the storytelling (as hypertext or verbal links), literary texts choice and other resources like: shorts, audios, poetry, journalistic articles, famous quotes stories, books... Were used to exemplify the above mentioned competencies.
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