Adventure activities for social and emotional development in child-youth population

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M.P. Aparicio-Flores
María Vicent
Cándido J. Inglés
David Aparisi-Sierra
Mª Isabel Gómez-Núñez
Aitana Fernández-Sogorb


Physical activity and sports reduce problems of obesity and hypokinetic diseases, at the same time, it increases mental well-being and social skills, in all types of population. However, with the advent of adolescence, this practice declines significantly, for several reasons among which are the lack of free time, laziness and perfectionist concerns. So, the educational institution should be alarmed of the problem and implement intervention programs. The key point is to design collaborative actions in the leisure time to intervene in a natural setting, where adventure activities have a great role. The aim of the research is to understand the perception of thirty monitors, a multisport camp located in the province of Alicante, on the social and emotional development they considered can benefit the students from the activities that promote educational not formal facilities where they work. We work from a qualitative methodology, with a semi-structured interview and from a narrative- biographical orientation. The results report a positive perception, in most cases, on all the subjects studied.


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Aparicio-Flores, M., Vicent, M., Inglés, C. J., Aparisi-Sierra, D., Gómez-Núñez, M. I., & Fernández-Sogorb, A. (2017). Adventure activities for social and emotional development in child-youth population. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 33–42.


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