Parental difficulties related to the effect of stigma in the field of pervasive developmental disorders and intervention strategies in families

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Mª Carmen Lozano-Segura
Ana Manzano-León
Cristian Aguilera-Ruiz
Carla Casiano Yanicelli


Introduction: When a child is diagnosed with ASD, his family undergoes a process of adaptation to the new situation that is faced. There are many cases of stigmatization in

Generalized Developmental Disorders (PDD) and the difficulties faced by families. For this reason, their difficulties must be addressed through useful intervention strategies.

Objectives: The objective of this study is to study, through a systematic review of the scientific literature, parental difficulties and the effect of stigma in the field of disorders of development, as well as intervention strategies in autism.

Methodology: A systematic review of scientific articles has been carried out consulting the databases. The materials have been restricted by publication date (2000/2017) and have been searched with the following descriptors in Spanish and English: stigma and autism, autism and families, therapies in families and autism / Stigma and autism, autism and families, family therapies and autism.

Results: The results show that there are certain parental behaviors considered to be at risk for the development and promotion of the psychological difficulties of the children, as well such as difficulties in the family and school environment related to stigmatization of children diagnosed with PDD. Over the years there have been many intervention strategies used to reduce them, being those based on third generation therapies that have reported better results.

Conclusion: There is a need to promote techniques of Acceptance Therapy and Commitment in schools of families, as well as further investigation.


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Lozano-Segura, M. C., Manzano-León, A., Aguilera-Ruiz, C., & Casiano Yanicelli, C. (2017). Parental difficulties related to the effect of stigma in the field of pervasive developmental disorders and intervention strategies in families. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 141–152.


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