Behavior, language and cognition of some syndromes related to intellectual disability
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A syndrome is a clinical picture configured by a group of symptoms or signs of a disease or disorder, which concur in time and form with varied causes or etiology. This concept covers a wide variety of diseases and disorders, but only some of them, around 200, include in its symptomatology the intellectual disability. Intellectual disability is a neurological development disorder, it starts in childhood, during the maturation of the brain, the symptoms manifest differently according to the different stages of growth, they are not static as the person evolves at the same time to maturity. The nervous system regulates the motor functions, cognitives and emotionals that allows to adapt to the environment and interact with it. Thus, all the children, in a more or less efficient way, acquire and perfect multiple competencies, while they can do it with more or less efficiency and adaptability. The main purpose of this paper is to present some syndromic profiles, including in them the most relevant characteristics of the behaviour, language and cognition, recognizing strengths and weaknesses and encourage a greater methodological adequacy in education supports this.
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