An evidence based research model on scholastic inclusion in Italy

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What is inclusive education? How you can support the development of a system that favors the inclusion in the daily school reality? On a sample of 162 students, aged 8 to 16 years, they want to measure the effects of effective teaching methods such as feedback, formative evaluation, collaborative learning, digital technology. Estimated variables are the skills and abilities to cross disciplines, cognitive-emotional factors of academic success, self-esteem. Rating bio psychosocial which opposes the prevailing bio-medical evaluation in Italy. Observe all students, to transform the special response in normal, measure the variables of the school environment favorable to the inclusion in Italy improves the effectiveness of a welfare amounted to € 4,7B. Here we build a model, whose experimental design requires methodologies recognized at international and European level as the evidence-based education (EBE), necessary to compare the results and replicate the model in a supranational context. The results will become part of the pilot project of the European Agency For Special Needs started in three countries, including Italy, and which will be concluded in October 2016.


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How to Cite
CATURANO, M. (2016). An evidence based research model on scholastic inclusion in Italy. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 443–454.
Author Biography

MARIANGELA CATURANO, Universidad de Extremadura

Dottoranda in psicologia matricola n. AT3576359 Universidad de Extremadura prof. Florencio Vicente Castro


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