Good practices in physical activity? A case study conducted at a senior academy


Isabel Cabrita Condessa


Although increasing longevity is a feature of our day, we must make the right choices throughout life to improve the quality of life of the elderly. We believe that “being active” at all ages continues to be a benchmark for promoting health and well-being, from a bio-psycho-social perspective.
In this case study, conducted with a group of people as part of a course offered at a senior academy, we tried to know which the good practices - in daily tasks and in physical exercise, of these same elderly people. Analyzing their experiences in regular physical activity (PA) (in more positive and negative experiences) and their perspectives on the relevance and conditions of this practice, based on their speaks left by these seniors. We observed that there is still much to do to increase their adherence to an active life and from this information we have proposed a reflection on an improvement in the offer of practical programs, that they become more adjusted and that they encourage a daily, playful and social practice







CIEC, Universidade do Minho, Portugal

FCSH, Universidade dos Açores, Portugal


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