Outcomes evaluation of ORTHOS: an intensive residential program for gambling addiction treatment


Tania Simona Re
Nicola Luigi Bragazzi
Matteo Covelli
Daniela Poli
Claudio Dalpiaz
Paula Benevene
Riccardo Zerbetto


According to the DSM-V, gambling can be defined as a “persistent and recurrent problematic gambling behavior leading to clinically significant impairment or distress”, not better defined by a manic episode. ORTHOS is a three-week intensive residential intervention program with three follow-up meetings during the year following intensive residential interventions. ORTHOS’ philosophy envisages a non-moralistic and prejudicial approach to gambling (Zerbetto, 2002). The findings of the present study confirm the efficacy of ORTHOS treatment compared to the reduction of gambling symptoms, with over 85% of the sample in which the symptoms manifested no longer clinical relevance (scores below 5 in SOGS).






Profesora Departamento de Psicología y Antropología

Facultad de Educación
Universidad de Extremadura


UNESCO Chair “Anthropology of Health - Biosphere and Healing System”
University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
Postgraduate School of Public Health (DISSAL)


Human Sciences Department”
LUMSA University, Rome, Italy


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