Aging, intellectual disability, quality of life. Situation and needs

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Estefania Santurde del Arco


The present work is aimed at knowing the opinion that the consulted professionals have about the importance and the degree of use of the support services that they provide to elderly people with intellectual disabilities. Obtaining this information constitutes a fundamental starting point to achieve the improvement of the Quality of Life of people with Intellectual Disability and to establish the criteria that should determine the actions to take in each element of their life system. With this, we also intend to contribute, through the results, criteria for the improvement of Quality of services and attention. An interview was conducted with 49 direct care professionals with people with intellectual disabilities and their families. To deal with the information provided by the professionals participating in the research, use was made of the fundamental indicators associated with each of eight areas of quality of life.

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Author Biography

JOSE ANTONIO DEL BARRIO CAMPO, Universidad de Cantabria

Área de Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamientos Psicológicos

How to Cite

Aging, intellectual disability, quality of life. Situation and needs. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 55-66.