Memories of father and mother acceptance/rejection and its relationship with gender

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Piedade Vaz Rebelo
Graciete Franco Borges
María da Luz Vale Dias


The aim of this study is to characterize young adults’ memories of mother and father acceptance and rejection and to analyse different patterns of mother and father perception of acceptance and rejection for girls and boys. The research was developed in a sample of 180 Portuguese university students and the instruments used were the Adult-PARQ Father (short form) (Rohner, 2004), the Adult-PARQ Mother (short form) (Rohner, 2004) and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The preliminary results evidenced that Adult-PARQ Father and Adult-PARQ Mother (short form) (Rohner, 2004) have very good psychometric characteristics and that there is a statistically significant difference between boys and girls perceptions of mother and father acceptation and hostility-aggression.

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Biographies des auteurs

Piedade Vaz Rebelo, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences University of Coimbra Portugal

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
University of Coimbra

Graciete Franco Borges, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences University of Coimbra

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
University of Coimbra

María da Luz Vale Dias, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences University of Coimbra Portugal

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
University of Coimbra

Comment citer

Memories of father and mother acceptance/rejection and its relationship with gender. (2019). Revista INFAD De Psicología. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology., 1(2), 79-82.


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