Sexual double standard and contraception in adolescents

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Ana Frias


Several areas of knowledge have exploited differences/similarities between men and women and the reflexes that these aspects have in the sexuality experience. Human cultures, structured and shaped on the basis of sexual differences, separate roles, tasks and privileges between both sexes, emerging sexual patterns characterized in each eco-cultural space. Some authors say, female sexuality formula have a higher dose of culture regarding the biological substrate facet, than male sexuality. Objectives: 1) Characterize the trends of teens about sexual double standard; 2) Characterize adolescents attitudes in relation to the use of contraception; 3) Relate sexual double standard trends with contraceptive attitudes. Methodology: Current research is quantitative and exploratory in nature. In a group of 351 adolescents in school environment the relationship between the double standard and contraceptive attitudes were studied, using Double Standard Scale (Caron et al., 1993) and the Contraceptive Attitude Scale (Kyes 5, s.d.). The data analysis was performed using SPSS- 19 program. Results: A double-standard tend liberal was identified mainly in girls, not being influenced by age when considering the total of the subjects. However, double standard was inversely related to age in the girls subgroup. Favorable attitudes were identified in relation to contraception, not influenced by age, noting the girls awareness. Double standard is more liberal in individuals predisposed to use contraception. Conclusions: Sexual double standard and attitudes related to contraception are important aspects to work when you intend to study sexuality in adolescence, to the extent that can increase knowledge of health technicians, particularly nurses, and promote change. Aware of this, it is appropriate to continue to perform studies that characterize male and female teenagers according to contraceptive attitudes.


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Frias, A. (2014). Sexual double standard and contraception in adolescents. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 359–368.


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