Anxiety toward mathematics on “telesecundaria” students

Contenuto principale dell'articolo

Elena Moreno-García
Némesis Larracila Salazar


The aim of this study is to measure the level of anxiety toward math among students from a high school located in the city of Veracruz, Mexico. It is an explanatory correlational analysis with a non-experimental cross-sectional study design that supports the questionnaire developed by Muñoz and Mato-Vázquez (2008) and employing the technique of factor analysis to measure five dimensions of anxiety: towards the evaluation, toward temporality, toward understanding problems, numerical operations and toward real-life situations. The instrument was applied to 123 students. The results indicate that of all dimensions evaluated, students feel more anxiety toward evaluation and application of mathematics in real life situations is the dimension that generates less anxiety.

Dettagli dell'articolo



Biografie autore

Elena Moreno-García, Universidad Cristóbal Colón

Profesora Investigadora y Directora de la UCC Business School

Universidad Cristóbal Colón.


Némesis Larracila Salazar, Universidad Cristóbal Colón. Campus Calasanz.

Second year doctoral student in Management Sciences at UCC Business School

Universidad Cristóbal Colón. Campus Calasanz.


Come citare

Anxiety toward mathematics on “telesecundaria” students. (2016). Revista INFAD De Psicología. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology., 1(2), 453-464.

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